Medicart Legal Notice

1 Terms and service conditions for the Medicart Corporation Web site:

Anyone logging on and navigating on this site acknowledges having read, understood and accepted all terms and conditions of use hereby expressed and agrees to respect them. Anyone opposed to being bound by such conditions has no right to use this site. The present terms and conditions of use can be modified at all times and without notice solely at the discretion of Medicart Corporation.

2 Confidentiality:

Anyone using this Web site acknowledges and agrees that any information transmitted to Medicart Corporation, or to any individual, firm, affiliated or associated company or third party, automatically becomes the property of Medicart Corporation without any compensation provided by the latter. Medicart Corporation offers no guarantee of confidentiality regarding the use of the present Web site, of the Internet, or for any information communicated by e-mail. Anyone using this Web site and/or communicating information to Medicart Corporation or its associates or affiliates, regardless of the privacy of the subject, fully discharges Medicart Corporation and others concerned of any potential liability with regards to the security and confidentiality of the transmitted information.

3 Registered Trademarks, Trademarks, Copyrights and Patents (™©®MC):

This Web site and its contents remain fully protected at all times and under any circumstances by copyright laws. All names, expressions, texts, labeling, logos, images, photos, graphs and drawings connected with or contained in the present Web site are the property of or granted to the said company under a licence of use and are fully protected by copyright laws, trademark legislation and other laws applying to the situation. Nobody has the right to use, copy, reproduce, publish, transmit or communicate such property in any way and for any reason without the expressed written consent of Medicart Corporation.

4 Disclaimer:

Anyone using or navigating on this Web site acknowledges that no guarantee is granted by Medicart Corporation, or any individual, firm, affiliated or associated company concerning the accuracy, validity or reliability of information contained in this Web site. Medicart Corporation is under no circumstances required to offer any assurance or guarantee regarding reliability, confidentiality and/or security of personal information transmitted or lost by e-mail or via this Web site. Considering the preceding and consequently, Medicart Corporation cannot be held liable for any damage presumably suffered by a user of this Web site. Accordingly, the user personally agrees to the preceding and waives all potential rights derived from such use and activity. The same disclaimer clause applies to any individual, firm or company connected in any way with Medicart Corporation. All users of this Web site are urged to verify, on an ongoing basis, the information herein contained and to validate it through other sources.

5 Applicable legislation:

This Web site (excluding linked sites) is controlled by Medicart Corporation from its offices located in the province of Quebec, Canada. By accessing this Web site, you and Medicart Corporation agree that all matters relating to your access to, or use of, this Web site shall be governed by the statutes and laws of the province of Quebec, without regard to any conflicting legal principles therein contained. You and Medicart Corporation also agree and hereby submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the province of Quebec with respect to such matters. Medicart Corporation makes no claim that material on this Web site is appropriate for or available for use in other locations, and accessing the said material from territories where the content of this Web site is illegal is prohibited. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are expected to comply with local laws.

6 Gender:

Except where inappropriate, the male and female genders are used interchangeably and without discrimination throughout this Web site.

7 Privacy and Protection of Personal Information:

Medicart Corporation is committed to respecting the privacy of its clientele. To meet this goal, it enforces an internal policy on privacy and the protection of personal information. Any questions or comments regarding privacy or the protection of personal information can be sent to Medicart Corporation’s head office to the attention of the privacy policy coordinator at